Is it real?
In a world where intelligence can be artificial, news can be misinformation, reality can be virtual, and conversations can be had with a chatbot, how do you prove what’s real?
Our sin is real. How can we know this? Just look at the ultimate example...death. First, look how much death surrounds us. Everyone dies. You will die. You can't escape that reality. We can try as hard as we want to not think about it or postpone it. But death is coming. Secondly, the Bible tells us why all die. All die because all sin. If we didn't sin, we wouldn't die. It is a reality that's unavoidable.
In love, God stepped in to provide an eternal solution to the reality of death.
Two thousand years ago, Jesus of Nazareth proved that he is the Son of God and Savior of the world. How? By rising from the dead. The reality of his resurrection means peace, the forgiveness of your sins, and your resurrection are just as real.
We at Immanuel want to share this life-changing and eternal news with you. Jesus' death and resurrection changes everything. It assures us that everything he did was perfect to secure eternal life and that all who believe in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. Come and hear!
Christ has indeed been raised from the dead.

The resurrection of Jesus brings true hope.
People define hope as a desire for something to happen or to be true. Without hope, life can easily lose its meaning and purpose.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the only answer for true hope. This event in history is the foundation of the Christian faith. Without the resurrection, there is no assurance about what Christ has done for us. His victory over death and sin gives certain assurance that God is faithful and delivers on his promises.
Resurrection reality declares the Easter message that Jesus lives.
Celebrate Easter with Us!
Easter Sunday
Sunday, March 31
Worship Service • 7 AM & 9 AM
Easter Breakfast • 8 AM

Immanuel Lutheran Church
1816 5th St SW
Willmar, MN 56201
"Because I live, you also will live."
John 14:19

About Immanuel
The light of Christ shines in the darkness and brings great hope. All sufferings in this present time are not worthy of being compared to eternal peace and glory in heaven. This is the Easter hope for all who believe in Him.
You will be welcomed with open arms at Immanuel.