What's the best kind of news?
Good news that's meant for you.
God sent his Son into this world to right what we had wronged and fix what we had broken. Jesus' arrival was heralded to the world as good news meant for every man, woman, and child. He had come as Savior: to live among us, to die in place of us, and to conquer death for us.
Be our guest this Christmas and hear the good news of great joy meant for you. Our services will feature Bible readings about Jesus and his birth, a message of what Christ's birth means for you, favorite Christmas hymns, and a place for you to worship our Savior, Christ the Lord.

Is stress and anxiety getting in the way of enjoying the Christmas season?
Are you feeling overwhelmed? Are personal challenges or world events robbing you of joy, peace, or hope?
Sometimes receiving great news can bring a burst of joy like a ray of sunshine bursting through the clouds in the sky. What if there is a message that could bring ongoing joy – especially during times when life feels dark.
Let’s go beyond the hustle and busyness of Christmas to pause and consider words that can be life changing.
It can be God’s way of saying, “welcome home.”
The angels celebrated the birth of Christ, and so do we.
Christmas Eve
Lessons & Carols
Sunday, December 24
5:30 PM
Christmas Day
Divine Service
Monday, December 25
9 AM

Immanuel Lutheran Church
1816 5th St SW
Willmar, MN 56201
Free Resource
10 Bible Verses that Show Why Christmas is the Source of Great Joy.
Christmas is so much more than gifts, decorations, or even a baby in a manger. At Christmas, God kept his promise to send a perfect Savior. Discover 10 Bible Verses that tell the Christmas story and why it's the source of great joy!

About Immanuel
The light of Christ shines in the darkness. His gracious love brings hope and peace. Our prayer is to bring that source for you that’s brings great joy, connection, and a renewed sense of purpose. You will be welcomed with open arms at Immanuel.